10 Types Of Common Hacking

1. Keylogger
Keylooger is a simple software that records keys sequences and strokes of your keyboard into a log file might even contain you personal email ID and passwords

Keylogger is one main reason why online banking sites gives you an option to use third virtual keyboard 

     Denial Of Service
A DOS attack is a hacking technique to take down a site server by loading that site with lot of traffic that the server is unable to process all the request in a real time and finally crashes down
For DDOS attacks hackers often deploy hornets of zombie computer, which have only work to flood your system with request packets

3. Water Hole Attacks
To poison a place. In this attack the hackers hits the most accessible physical point of the victim. 

4. Fake WAP
Even just for fun, a hacker can use software to fake a Wireless Access Point. This WAP connects to the official public place WAP. Once you get connected to fake WAP a hacker can hack your data. 

5. Eavesdropping (Passive Attack) 
Unlike other attacks which are active in nature using a passive attack, a hacker just monitors the computer system and networks to gain some unwanted information. The motive behind eavesdropping is not to harm the system but to get some information without being identified. 

6. Phishing 
Phising is a hacking technique which hacker replicates the most accessed sites and traps the victim by sending that spoofed link
Once the victim tries to log in or enter some data the hacker gets that private information of the target victim using the Trojan running on the fake sites

7. Virus Trojan 
Virus or Trojan are malicious software program which get insta into the victim system and keeps sending the victims data to the hacker. 

8. Click Jacking Attacks 
Click jacking is also known by adigfert name UI Redress. In this attack the hacker hide the actual UI where the victim is supposed to clock 

9. Cookie Theft
The cookies of a browser keep our personal data such as browsing history, username and password for different sites that we access. Once the hacker gets the access to our cookies he can even authenticate himself as you on a browser. 

10. Bait And Switch 
Using Bait And Switch hacking technique the hackers runs a malicious program which the user believes to be authenticate the get unpruelagerd access to your computer. 


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