Virtual Reality

VR(Virtual Reality) :

Meaning :-
Creating a synthetic believeable world.
It requires several hardware and software.
Major components of VR - :
2. Tracking 

About optics 
Simple function each lens makes a possible of your eye to focus on a screen. 

Optics - :
Perfect focus by using specialised lenses VR headset focus the light from near a display. The lenses greatly magnified the image exact size shape and placement have a huge impact 
Each headset manufacturers. Feel a view comfort optical

Displays - :
Just behind VR headset lens your phone have one and equal more high resolution 
OLED displays some times those are embedded in side the headset like the vive. Other times you will use your phones display's to have high resolution possible for a VR Display. A second important component of a modern VR display is something called low persistence 

Low persistence means that instead of showing you a false image, the display is only showing you a portion of the image in an moment in time. It causes the display to function like a rolling shutter. Only showing your eye moving slice of VR world. 
Low Persistence reduces and in many cases eliminates motion blur this keeps the image clear when you look around and it keeps it from smearing together 
                                                           The individual pixels in a typical Oled displays Don't change last enough to eliminate motion blur low persistence reduces that problem  by effectively hiding the pixels when the changing colour. This gives you sharp image consistent and  a believable image when you turn your head. 

Every VR headset lenses have high resolution called display that support low persistence 


VR technology cant exist without tracking.It allows a computer to know where you are in space
All major VR system rely once chip called IMU 
Inertial Measurement Unit .An IMU enables high speed rotation tracking, chip knows how it is being rotated. IMU cant tell where a object is actually located in space ,only its rotation ,In order to tell where  object are located  modern VR system employ a variety of postional tracking technique, they use  cameras lasers and precise clocks magnetic field postional tracking is an area of active research and there isnt yet a universally accepted technique VR requires some kind of tracking in order to work.It show the system allows your body movements to control the VR World


1.give you headache .
2.make people uncomfortable

Well pretty much anything that causes a mismatch between your motion and the data our brain recieves from the visual

History of VR 

Begining of VR you can make any type of graphical and you could say that with the invention of computer history of VR is begin with with 3D display technology . First time of invention leads directly to what we call VR body 

In the begining of 3D display technology really start on earnest with the stereoscope in 1838 this device is created by a briallant inventor name Sir Charles Wheatstone and it worked like this one picture is shown to the left ye and other to the right eye,the two picture were of same kind.There are a pair of mirror at 45 degree angle to the user's eyes and each reflecting a picture of both side when the two views are same as object are shown to their respective eyein the same location they refuse to form a view of asolid 3D object after stereoscope there were no improvement in3D display and flocks experiment with various kind of entertaining machine

The next VR advancement was undoubtable the sword of damodes many flolcks consider ut as the first VR and AR device and it was invented by Ivan sutherland at MIT in 1968. The sword of damodes was the first device to track of user had motion and overlay synthetic 3D stereoscopic computer generated graphics into their vision . The device had a long mechanical arm that extended from the ceiling and to the user's head and the user was shown primitive wireframe 3D objects projected on a transparent display , in this way 5he sword of demodes was the first augemented reality display as well Ivan Sutherland accompanied a great deal in the field of computer graphics and make no mistake he deeply understood the potential of VR his pioneering work brought us a lot closer to the Virtual Reality technology.

Books were written that depicted VR as a completely realistic apternative universe but the VR devices that actually sold didnt hive us to those unrealistically high expectations Nintendo as Virtual Play had set was a red and black low quality display that often cause headache headset with tracking were extremely expensive and bulky and the displays were poor input systems like data gloves left lot to be desired , In short VR simply wasn't ready for the general public.VR was re launched to academic and military use that is until 2012 when a kick starter was announced for a new inexpensive VR Device called the Oculus Rift The booming mobile phone industry had driven down the price of high quality display system manufacture and inexpensive high quality VR headset then it is awuired by facebook amd vr industry yake off like a rocket

Platforms And Paradigms 

One of the big difference between mobile and desktop VR platform is the concept of 3DOF and 6DOF tracking

As well it is short for Degree Of Freedom
And it deals with how accurate the VR system can track you for a VR headset 
3DOF means our head can be tracked when it rotates along the xaxis the yaxis and the z axis this is what most mobile VR do . 6DOF means your head can also be tracked when it moves along the xaxis tge yaxis the zaxis this allows tough tracking allows you to be tracked as you move around the room high VR system allows you to do this . 3DOF means your head's rotations are accurately tracked , 6DOF means your gead rotation and position are traced .



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